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Webster and hayne's celebrated speeches Webster and hayne's celebrated speeches Mister.Foot's resolution being pandora sale involved, [After Mr.Webster concluded his first speech on sunday, that 20th, mister.Benton followed which include remarks in reply to mr.M, but as they were mostly embodied in his more extended speech some days after, those comments are omitted.At the time following, mister.Hayne took the floor in next rejoinder to mr.Webster.] Mister.Hayne thought, when he took time period, two days inside, to throw out some ideas according to policy of the government, on the public lands, nothing certainly happens to be further from his thoughts, than that he ought to get been compelled again to throw himself upon the indulgence of the senate.Hardly any did i expect, told me mr.L, to be called upon to meet such an argument as was yesterday urged by the gentleman from boston,(Mister.Webster. )Friend, i inhibited no man's opinions;I impeached no man's benefits;I required no party, or city, or section of country with hostility on a vacation, but entered, as i was thinking, in a to become spirit, to put forth my own sentiments in terms of a great national question of public policy.Such was my process.The lady from missouri,(Mister.Benton,)It's correct, had charged upon the eastern states an early and continued hostility the particular west, and referred to a number of historical facts and documents to get that charge.Nor is he ready to stop there.He goes on to assail the banks and policy of the south, and calls in question the principles and conduct of the state which i've the honor to represent.When i find a gentleman of mature age and encounter, of noticeable talents and profound sagacity, pursuing a course such as this, regressing the contest offered from the west, and and earn war upon the unoffending south, i must am confident, i am bound to think, he has some object in view which he has not ventured to reveal.Mister.Ceo, why are these claims?Has the gentleman realised in former controversies with the gentleman from missouri, that he's overmatched by that senator?And does he hope for an easy victory over a more feeble opponent?Has the gentleman's distempered fancy been upset by gloomy forebodings of"New alliances to be put together, the point what place he hinted?Has the ghost of the murdered coalition keep coming back, similar to the reduction ghost of banquo, that will help"Sear the eyeballs of the young lady, and we will it not down at his bidding?Are dark thoughts of broken hopes, and honors lost always, still floating before his heated thoughts?Friend, if it be his object to thrust me from the gentleman from missouri and himself, that will rescue the east from the contest it has provoked with the west, he shall end up being gratified.Friend, i will not be a part of the defence of my friend from missouri.The south shall not have no choice but into a conflict not its own.The gentleman from missouri will be able fight his own battles.The gallant west needs no aid from the south to repel any attack that could be made on them from any quarter.Let the gentleman from boston controvert the facts and arguments of the gentleman from missouri, if he can and if he win the wining, your pet wear the honors;I shall not divest him of his laurels. The gentleman from ma, in reply to my remarks on the injurious operations of our land system on the achievements the west, pronounced an extravagant eulogium on the paternal care which the us government had extended towards the west, to which he attributed all that was great and excellent in our condition of the new states.The language of the woman on this topic fell upon my ears like the almost forgotten tones of the tory leaders of the british parliament, at the beginning of the american revolution.They can, because well, found that thee colonies had grown great under the fostering care of the mother country;And i must know, while playing the gentleman, i thought a suitable reply to his argument was to be found in the remark of a celebrated orator, made on that instance: "They have grown great notwithstanding your protection, The girl, in commenting on the policy of the us government in relation to the new states, features to our notice a certain nathan dane, of boston, to whom he attributes the formally established ordinance of '87, by which he lets us know,"Slavery was forever excluded in new states north of the ohio, after eulogizing the wisdom of this provision due to the most extravagant praise, he breaks forth in admiration of how wonderful nathan dane and great indeed cheap pandora he must be, if it be possible true, as stated by the senator from boston, that can"He was above solon and lycurgus, minos, numa pompilius, and all the legislators and philosophers worldwide, fabled and modern.Friend, i doubt not the senator will feel some concern for our ignorance, when i make clear, that so little are we at home with the modern great men of new england, that until he informed us yesterday that we possessed a solon and a lycurgus in anyone of nathan dane, he was only known south as a member of a celebrated assembly, called and known by the specific"Hartford meeting, in the divorce proceedings of that assembly, my partner and i hold in my hand,(With p.19,)Might found, in some lines, the of nathan dane;And some what farther on, there is conclusive evidence of that ardent devotion to the eye of the new states, this, it appears, has given him a just claim they can the title of"Father with the west, by the 2d image res of the"Hartford conference, it is reported,"That it is expedient to attempt to make allowances for restraining congress in the exercise of an unlimited power to make new states, and recognizing them into the union, lots of for nathan dane, among beverly, ma. In commenting upon my views about the public lands, the man insists, that it being one of the circumstances of the grants that these lands should be applied to"The common benefit from the states, they would be wise to remain a fund for revenue, and can bring,"They should be treated as so much treasure, mister, the gentleman could hardly find language strong enough to convey his disapprobation of the policy which i had ventured to recommend to the favorable contemplation on the country.And whatever, friend, was that rules, and what is the distinction between that gentleman and myself on that subject?I threw out the concept that the public lands ought not to be reserved forever, seeing that"A great fund for profits, then they ought not to be"Treated as a great valuable, but that the path of our policy should rather be directed towards the creation of new states, and building up great and display communities. Of course, friend, would you like belieVed, by men and women now hear me, and who paid attention to the gentleman's denunciation of my doctrines yesterday, a book then lay open before him nay, he held it in his hand, and read from it certain airways of his own speech, deliVered to the house of officials in 1825, in which speech he himself asserted for the Very doctrines i had adVocated, and almost in hassle.Terms?It is a speech of the hon.Daniel webster, within the first Volume of gales and seaton's register of debates,(V.251,)Delivered in the house of employees on the 18th of january, 1825, in a debate on the cumberland road the very debate from where the senator read yesterday.I shall read from the commemorated speech two passages, from which it will appear that both as to the past and the future policy of the us government in relation to the public lands, the gentleman from boston maintained, here about 1825, significantly the same opinions which i have advanced, but which he now so fervently reprobates.I known, mister, that the system of credit sales by which the west had been kept constantly in debt to united states, and by which their wealth was drained off to be expended from the mail man, had operated injuriously on their money.On this point the gentleman from boston, in the month of jan, 1825, indicated himself thus: "Can actually no doubt, if gentlemen looked at the money received into the treasury from the sale of the islands lands to the west, and then looked to the whole amount expended by taxpayer,(Even such as whole amount of what was laid out for the army,)The latter must be permitted to be very inconsiderable, and there has to be a constant drain of money from the west to pay for the public lands.It might indeed be said that this was no more than the refluence of capital which had previously gone over the lake.Specific so.Still its practical effect was to produce headache, if not misery, by absorbing the money of those who, I where are pandora store in Australia contended that people lands ought not to be treated merely as"A fund for benefit, who they ought not to be hoarded"As a great value, on perform correctly the senator expressed himself thus: "State, he presumed, had received eighteen or twenty vast amounts from the public lands, and it was with finest satisfaction he adverted to the change which had been introduced in the mode of paying for them;Yet he could never think the nation's domain was to be regarded as any great source of revenue.The great object of government entities, according of these lands, was not so much the money created from their sale, as it was the getting them to settled.What he designed to say was, he did not think they should hug that domain as a great treasure, that had been to enrich the exchequer, This point, mister.Lead designer, it's seen that the very doctrines which the gentleman so indignantly abandons were urged by him in 1825;And if i had actually borrowed my sentiments from those that he then avowed, i could not have followed more closely in his actions.There, it's just since the gentleman quoted this book, not too long ago, that my attention has been turned to the greetings he expressed in 1825;And if i had thought of them, i might possibly have been deterred from uttering statements here, just what, it could be supposed, i had borrowed from that young lady. From 1825, the gentleman told everyone around you that the public lands"Ought not to be treated as a cherish, he now lets us know that"They need to be treated as so much treasure, what the planned opinion of the gentleman on this subject may be, belongs not to me to find out about;But i can't think he can, with the cisco kid of justice or propriety, impugn my greetings, while his own recorded opinions are indifferent with my own.When the gentleman refers to the conditions of the grants under which u.S have acquired these lands, and demands that, as is also declared to be"For the more common benefit of all the states, they can only be treated as so much pirate booty, i think he has applied a rule of structure too narrow for the case.If in the deeds of cession it has been declared that the grants were created for"The common benefit of the states, it is apparent, from other conventions, that they are not intended merely as so much property;For it is exclusively declared, that the article of the grants is the erection of new states;And our great country, in realising this trust, bind themselves to facilitate the inspiration of these states, to be admitted into the union with the rights and privileges of the original states.This excellent, there, was the great end to which both parties looked, and also its particular by the fulfilment of this high trust that"The common benefit of all the so-Called states"Is to be best pushed.Friend, i'll tell the gentleman, that in the part of the us in which i live, and now we don't measure political benefits by the money standard.We consider as more exceptional than gold liberty, debt owed, and rights.Still, mister, if we will likely act on the narrow principles contended for by the gentleman, i am wholly at a loss to have a baby how he can reconcile his principles with his own practice.The countries are, this reveals, to be thought of"As so much resource, and must be relevant to the"Common benefit of all states, at this point, when this be so, whence does he derive the authority to appropriate them for partial and local objects?How can the woman consent to vote away immense bodies of these lands, for canals in indiana and the state of il, inside your louisville and portland canal, to kenyon college or university in ohio, to institutions for the deaf and dumb, and other objects of a similar working seller's reason?If grants of this character can fairly be to become made"For the typical benefit of all the states, it could only be, because all the states would like to the welfare of each a principle which, carried fully extent, destroys all huge between local and national objects, and is certainly broad enough to embrace the principles for which i've ventured to contend.Mister, the true distinction between us i take to be this:The gentleman wishes to treat people lands as a great treasure, just as so much profit the treasury, to apply to all objects, constitutional and as well as unconstitutional, to which the public money is applied.I consider it as a sacred trust which we need to fulfil, on the principles for which has been contended. The senator from boston has thought proper to present, in strong differentiation, the friendly feelings of the east for west, with sentiments of an opposite character displayed by the south regarding appropriations for internal improvements.These days, friend, let it be recollected that the south have made no employment opportunities;I have absolutely made none in their behalf, of regard to be able to west.It has been reserved for the gentleman from boston, while he vaunts over his personal devotion to western interests, to claim for the complete section of country to which he belongs an ardent friendship for the west, as manifested by their support of the system of internal enhancer, while he casts in our teeth the reproach that the south has described hostility to western interests in opposing appropriations for such objects.That girl, at once, known that the south entertains constitutional scruples on this subject.Are you have to, there, to know that the gentleman considers it a just subject of reproach that we respect our oaths, that we are bound"To assist, include, and defend the structure of the u.Alleges, would the young lady have us manifest our love to the west by trampling under foot our constitutional scruples?Does he not understand, if the south has been to be reproached with unkindness to the west, in voting against appropriations which the gentleman admits they could not vote for without having done violence to their constitutional opinions, that he exposes himself to now, whether, if he was in our occasion, he could choose these appropriations, no matter what his scruples?Low, there, i will not do the woman so great injustice.He has fallen into this error from not having duly weighed the force and effect of the reproach which he was trying to cast upon the south.With regards to the other point, the friendship manifested by new england your west, in their support of the system Cheap Pandora Jewelry Store in Australia of internal restoration, the guy will pardon me for saying, that i think he is equally unlucky in having introduced that topic.As that woman has forced it upon us, never the less, i cannot suffer it to pass not noticed.When the gentleman tells us that the appropriations for internal improvement in the western world would, in virtually every instance, didn't work but for new england votes, he has misplaced to tell us the when, an how, and the wherefore this new born zeal for the west popped up in the bosom of new england.If we look back only after some duration, we will find in both houses of congress a uniform and steady opposition for the members from the eastern states, oftentimes, to all appropriations of this dynamics.At the time i signed up with this house, and for a while afterwards, a decided majority of the new england senators were opposed to the very measures which the senator from ma tells us they now cordially support.Mister, the newsletters are before me, and an study of them will satisfy every gentleman of that fact. It must be common to every one whose experience dates back as far as 1825, that up to a unique period, new england was generally opposed to appropriations for internal innovations in the west.The gentleman from boston may be himself an exception, but if he went for the machine before 1825, you can be assured that his colleagues did not go with him. In the meeting of 1824 and '25, within the other hand,(A memorable era in bicycles of this country,)Fantastic change took place in new england, regarding western interests.Mister, a fantastic union of sympathies and of interests was then effected, which brought the east and the west into close connections.The book from which i have before read contains the first public annunciation of that happy getting back together of conflicting interests, personal and politics, which brought the east and west to one another, and kept in a fraternal embrace the two great orators of the east and the west.Friend, it was on the 18th the month of jan, 1825, while completing the presidential election, in the house of employees, had been doubtful, while the whole country was looking with intense anxiety to that legal hall where the mighty drama was so soon to be acted, that we saw the leaders of two great parties inside your home and in the nation,"Taking sweet counsel in relationship, and in a known debate on the cumberland road, fighting also for western interests.It was on that memorable occasion that the senator from boston held out the white flag to the west, and uttered those liberal greetings which he yesterday so indignantly repudiated.Then it has been, that that happy union within members of the celebrated coalition was consummated, whose immediate issue was a director from one quarter of the union, with the sequence(As it wasAllowed)Secured completely to a different one.All"Us system, before to a rude, sketchy, and misshapen group, now assumed form and overall look.Then it was that became"The settled policy of the us govenment, that this system should be so administered as to create a reciprocity of interests and a reciprocal circulation of government favors, east and western side,(The tariff and internal innovative developments,)Which means the south yes, there, the impracticable south would have been to be"In your protection, the gentleman may boast as much as he pleases of the association of new england for the west, as displayed in their support of internal refinement;But when he next discusses that topic, i trust that he will tell us when that friendly relationship commenced, how it was delivered, and why it was recognised.Earlier i leave this topic, i must be permitted to say that the true character of the policy now pursued by the gentleman from boston and his friends, regarding appropriations of land and money, for the main advantage of the west, is in my estimation very much like that pursued by jacob of old towards his brother esau: "It robs them associated with birthright for a mess of pottage, The gentleman from ma, in alluding to a review of mine, that before any personality could be made of the public lands, the nation's debt(For that they stand pledged)Must first paid, took celebration to intimate"That phenomenal fervor which seems to exist in a certain quarter,(Interpretation the south, mister,)For the payment of your debt, arises from a biological imperative to weaken the ties which bind the people to the union, with regards to gentleman deals us this blow, he professes an ardent desire to see the debt speedily put out.He must pardon me, around the other hand, for feeling some distrust on that subject until i find this disposition manifested by something stronger than professionals.I shall choose acts, planned and unequivocal acts;For the performance of which a chance will very soon(If i am not greatly taken wrongly)You should indeed stay

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